Walk, Roll & Read


Walk, Roll & Read events bring families and children together at local parks to enjoy a nature walk with story tents and children's activities along the way.  Hosted by United Way's Success By 6 program and our community partners, Walk, Roll & Read provides an opportunity for parents, caregivers, and children to enjoy a walk through the woods, read and participate in fun activities together, and learn more about community resources.  All children in attendance are able to select a brand new book of their choice to take home donated by United Way.

Walk roll and read participants

Upcoming events will be shared as they are scheduled.

Power up sponsor


Are you interesting in co-hosting or sponsoring an upcoming Walk, Roll & Read event?  We would love to hear from you! 

For partnership or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Betsy Byker at betsy.byker@uwvalleys.org.