Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

United Way St. Croix Valley & Red Cedar Valley recognizes that in order to achieve our mission, we must continuously strive to be relevant and responsive to our community as a whole. As the diversity in our community grows, we must be increasingly intentional about aligning our practices and policies.

United Way St. Croix & Red Cedar Valleys understand diversity to include all human characteristics that make us unique as individuals. It includes everyone and excludes no one. Inclusion is our strategy to leverage the diversity of our community.

Join us as we fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community.


We stand against racism and inequity in our institutions and systems and seek to dismantle disparities to ensure that everyone has the resources and opportunities needed to thrive.  We commit to uplifting people by listening to all voices, seeking equity in funding community programs, and creating strong and inclusive partnerships with the goal of creating equitable communities in the St. Croix & Red Cedar Valleys.