Frequently Asked Questions

What does United Way do with my contribution?

United Way St. Croix Valley currently funds approximately 50 nonprofit agency programs and several United Way initiatives with the proceeds of the annual campaign. United Way St. Croix Valley serves communities in St. Croix, Pierce, Polk, Burnett and parts of Washburn Counties.

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How does United Way select the agencies and programs it funds?

Each spring, agency funding requests are reviewed by citizen advisory panels and their recommendations are reviewed and acted on by United Way St. Croix Valley's Board of Directors.

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How is United Way St. Croix & Red Cedar Valley connected to United Way Worldwide?

United Way St. Croix Valley has a voluntary affiliation with United Way Worldwide, a global service organization that provides a wide variety of assistance to independent United Ways around the world. United Way St. Croix Valley is an independently-operated, nonprofit 501c(3) organization which pays dues to United Way Worldwide.

The local Board of Directors of United Way St. Croix Valley exercises full control of all operational decisions. The only time that money leaves our service area is when a donor directs us to send it to another United Way or nonprofit organization.

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Who runs United Way St. Croix & Red Cedar Valleys?

United Way St. Croix Valley is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which meets six times per year. The Executive Committee consists of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and past president. Meetings of the Executive Committee are held as needed in the months that the full Board doesn't meet.

The goal is to maintain a Board that is representative of the communities we serve. Board members may serve up to six consecutive years. The Board works in conjunction with United Way staff and additional volunteers in the annual fundraising campaign and the allocation of funds.

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Why should I give to United Way rather than designate my gift to a specific agency?

By giving to United Way, you ensure that your gift makes the most impact in your community. United Way St. Croix Valley currently funds approximately 50 local agency programs and several United Way initiative with the proceeds of our annual campaign. You can designate your gift to support an initiative or an area such as education.

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What is United Way St. Croix & Red Cedar Valley's Community Care agenda?

Our Community Care agenda is built around three priority areas--education, financial stability and health. Information can be found in the Community Grants area of our site.

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How do I request United Way funding for my agency/program?

Nonprofit agencies seeking funding should visit the Community Grants area of our site for further information.

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If I stop working for my current employer, what happens to my payroll-deducted pledge?

Since your employer will no longer be providing a paycheck from which to deduct your pledged amount, your contributions will end. Your pledge does not automatically get routed to your new place of employment or to your home address.

If you have switched jobs and your current employer runs a United Way campaign, it is possible to set up payroll deduction through the new employer. If you retire, contact United Way St. Croix & Red Cedar Valleys about whether you would like to fulfill or adjust your original pledge.

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How does United Way handle designations, and to which organizations may I designate my gift?

United Way St. Croix & Red Cedar Valleys forwards donor designations to IRS-approved nonprofit agencies. Agencies may use donor designations at their discretion and use is not subject to United Way monitoring of programmatic results or financial stewardship. Designations to United Way partner agencies are paid out separately from and in addition to regular United Way funding. There is an administrative fee of 12% on all designations. Designation of payroll deduction pledges are subject to an additional charge of 3% for pledge loss.

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What documentation do I need to claim a tax deduction?

Cash/check contributions (Choose one of the following):

  •     A written acknowledgement from the charity showing the date and amount contributed
  •     A record like a cancelled check or credit card statement

Payroll deduction contributions (Must have both):

  •     A pay stub, W2 or other employer generated document showing the total amount withheld in the tax year
  •     A copy of a pledge card, paper form, or printout of an electronic message or form, initiated by the charity, describing the pledge and showing the charity's name

Donors should print and keep for their tax records.

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What is United Way's stance on diversity and inclusion?

See our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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