John Coughlin Hope Fund

The John Coughlin Hope Fund (JCHF) provides funding to individuals and families with a verifiable situation that can be solved with the help of supportive funding when other services or community funds are unavailable. Grants may be approved for rent, damage deposit, mortgage, utility costs, medical expenses, transportation needs including car repair and other critical needs as shared.

The JCHF partners with local community agencies to identify families and individuals facing short-term financial setbacks and emergencies and works to ensure that existing community resources and opportunities are fully utilized as well.


John Coughlin served as the Executive Director of United Way St. Croix Valley for over 20 years before passing away in 2015. John was a valued and dedicated leader in the St. Croix Valley and a tremendous role model for service to our neighbors in need. 

As John's widow, Mary Beth, shared, "John would have bee­n proud to have the Hope Fund named in his honor. He realized that unexpected events could find people in need of an extra helping hand. John was a compassionate, 'get things done' kind of person, and when he saw a need, he jumped right in to find ways to meet it."


An online application is available below, please complete it for review.

Once your application has been received it will take up to 3-5 business days to review the information. You will receive a phone call from the JCHF Coordinator to talk through your application and to seek more details to help make a determination and possible next steps. The timeframe of this process could take several weeks depending on the situation and funding needed. Most applications can be completed within 1-3 weeks. Due to the steps in the process to confirm details and provide additional viable resources the JCHF is not able to make immediate response status grants.


  • The applicant must reside in Burnett, Dunn, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, or St. Croix counties
  • The applicant is able to provide funds towards the expense
  • The applicant, or any member of their household, has not received a grant through the JCHF within the last 12 months
  • The request must be for a basic health and human services related need
  • The request must be made for a need resulting from an unforeseen event that has resulted in an emergency, where the grant will solve a problem that is not expected to reoccur in the future
  • The applicant has exhausted all other community resources
  • Maximum funding per request is on a case-by-case basis and is typically not more than $500 in the following categories:
    • Housing
    • Transportation
    • Medical Expenses
    • Utilities

For full eligibility requirements and policies, please view our John Coughlin Hope Fund Policies & Guidelines.

A PDF application can be found here to download and print. You can access printing at your local library, or request a blank application to be mailed to you by contacting the JCHF Coordinator at or by calling 715-377-0203 X107.


Please consider a gift to continue making a positive impact in the lives of our neighbors in need. Click HERE to support the John Coughlin Hope Fund. You are making a difference!


Upload requirements
I certify that the information provided in this application is true and that any funds I receive will be used for the purpose stated in this application. I authorize United Way St. Croix Valley and agency representatives to verify and communicate any information contained in this application or about my situation to assist me. UWSCV will maintain your confidentiality and will not release your information to other agencies without your consent. By signing below, or giving verbal consent, I authorize UWSCV to use my name and other information necessary in processing my request. I hereby waive and release any and all claims whatsoever that I, my legal representatives, or heir might have or hereafter have against United Way St. Croix Valley, its employees and agents.